What does it cost to see Dr. Smith?

For most cases, the hour-long initial evaluation is $550. Follow-up appointments are typically $275. The amount of time allotted for follow-ups varies based on the complexity of the case, but is generally about 15-20 minutes. There are additional fees for some complex cases (including ADHD evaluations), extended appointments, after-hours care, treatment coordination, non-routine services, and medical documentation of any kind. These rates are about average for a psychiatrist in Los Angeles.

Why are some psychiatrists in Los Angeles so expensive?

Psychiatrists can devote themselves to personalized, expert mental health care only if they have a small number of patients. The time and attention needed for this style of treatment requires higher fees. Even though primary care doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and high-volume psychiatrists sometimes charge less, their training, expertise, and caregiving are vastly different from the best psychiatrists, sometimes to an alarming degree. Mental health conditions have significant impact on school, work, relationships, and quality of life. Superior treatment can enable someone to stay in school, keep a job, preserve social ties, and find meaning generally. Many people feel the cost of a top psychiatrist pays for itself.

Does Dr. Smith take insurance?


Why doesn’t Dr. Smith take insurance?

Insurance companies do not give fair or realistic payments to psychiatrists. Taking insurance means seeing many more patients and doing substantially more paperwork, making it impossible to give quality, individualized care. Additionally, insurance companies have the power to review medical records and question treatment plans, compromising patient privacy and interfering with medical decision-making. Cutting out insurance enables more personalized treatment and superior mental health outcomes.

How often do I need to see Dr. Smith?

See the FAQ.